The number 1 reason software products and tech startups fail is lack of market need. This means, not enough people want your product for it to be viable and profitable.

The market is always telling us what they want, but we have to listen very closely. You have to know how to access what you are hearing and seeing with data and other forms of research input to make the right decisions. Then pay attention to the feedback.

That’s exactly what I help clients do. Build profitable software products that humans, love, buy and rave about.

I have an exact process that is customized to each client and their business stage, needs, and current team structure. It is based on over 10+ years working with global technology companies that we all know and (most times love. 🙂

The process is simple but potent for software creators and technology founders.

The step by step process outline:
1. We solidify your game-changing vision
2. We understand the market and create an agile business model
3. We create money-making customer journey maps for areas like sales, marketing, service
4. We define and implement a growth strategy to help you gain traction and sustainable growth along the customer lifecycle
5. Then we solidify the team and structures for scale

This is for software creators and founders who are currently

1. Building a new product based on thier brand and expertise
2. Working to build momentum on a product that is already in the market
3. Want to PROFIT from their software and app development. It shouldn’t take long to monetize and create profitable revenue when you do it right.

When you are ready to stop guessing and taking 1000 circular steps to profitable tech and software apps lets talk. I have done this for 10+ years for Fortune 50 companies serving 20+ Million customers and for early-stage startups going from zero to 1. I know the process to help you find success faster on your terms. Stop waiting for permission and validation from a VC.

Let’s change the game with your profitable tech. Time is of the essence.

I’d love to hear your thoughts below. Which part of the process have been the sticking point for you or your team?

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